There are 20 nursing homes serving Corydon, Indiana. This includes 3 in Corydon and 17 nearby. Nursing home care costs in Indiana range from about $124 to $400 per day, with an average expense running about $199. The per month expense averages roughly $5,970 and ranges between $3,720 and $12,000. Annually, the median cost is about $72,635, which is below the US average of $77,380.
Costs of nursing home care in Corydon, IN range between $200 per day and $428 per day. The average cost is about $236 per day, or around $85,958 annually.
Located within Harrison County, Corydon is a small city in Indiana. It is included in the Louisville/Jefferson County metro area. Though the city is home to 16,722 inhabitants, the surrounding statistical area contains a total population of 209,926. 28% of the local populace are over the age of 55.
Corydon has an above average SeniorScore™ of 70. The city's median household income is $51,000 ($25,000 per person), in comparison to the average of $49,000 for the entire state of Indiana. The median housing price in Corydon is $181,500, which is somewhat higher than the Indiana average of $163,500. Corydon has a high unemployment rate of roughly 10.54%.
Corydon has tolerable mean temperatures, with tolerable winters and pleasant summers. The city gets heavy levels of precipitation each year. Compared to similarly-sized cities, Corydon has very poor air quality and above average water quality ratings.