There are 19 nursing homes serving Flint, Michigan. This includes 10 in Flint and 9 nearby. The daily costs for nursing home care in Michigan range from $152 to $313, with a median expense running approximately $241. The monthly expense averages roughly $7,230 and ranges between $4,560 and $9,390. On an annual basis, the median cost is about $87,783, which is higher than the nationwide average of $77,380.
Nursing home care costs in Flint range from $245 per day to $393 per day, with an average cost of about $275 per day. That equates to a yearly cost of around $100,375.
Flint is a mid size city in the State of Michigan. It is located within Genesee County. It is the 3rd largest city in the state. While the city itself contains 162,969 inhabitants, the surrounding metropolitan area contains a total population of 349,578. People who are over the age of 55 represent 24% of the population.
Flint has an average SeniorScore™ of 69. The city's mean household income is $32,000 ($17,000 per capita), in comparison to the average of $46,000 for the whole of Michigan. The mean housing price in Flint is $27,000, which is much lower than the state average of $177,000. The city also has a high unemployment rate of approximately 20.89%.
Flint has extreme mean temperatures, with cold winters and calm summers. The city receives low amounts of rainfall each year. In relation to other cities in the US, Flint has a very high crime rate and poor air quality.
Flint, Michigan Senior Living
The Midwest is a wonderful place for any senior to spend their retirement, and if you are spending that retirement in Flint, Michigan--then chances are you already know this. Spending retirement in the Midwest is a great way for seniors to take advantage of the infamous hospitality in this area of the country--but even if you already love living in Flint during your golden years, you may not realize all of the unique perks and benefits that are available for area seniors who choose to call this town "home."
These senior amenities are very important in Flint, because Flint has a large senior population. In fact, according to studies from World Population Review, around 18 percent of the population of Flint is age 65 and older--and the number is only growing thanks to all of the different things this city is doing to try and improve the quality of life for area seniors.
Flint Senior Resources
If you are a senior living in Flint, then you will find there is no shortage of different senior centers available throughout the area. Senior centers are a great place for older adults to spend their days when they are looking for a safe place to go. These senior centers can provide area residents with a hot meal, lots of activities and just a place for seniors to go if they may have trouble getting out and doing things on their own. There are several of these senior centers throughout the city, including the Hasselbring Park Senior Community Center. This senior center is open weekdays from 8:00- 4:30 and is dedicated to helping seniors remain independent in the Flint community.
For seniors who are home-bound and unable to get out on their own, there is also a program known as State of Michigan Meals on Wheels program, which is sponsored by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. This nutritional program is dedicated to helping seniors age 60 and older who are home-bound or who have disabilities, by delivering meals right to their doors. This organization makes sure that no senior, even those who are home-bound has to go hungry. So, even if seniors in the area are unable to grocery shop or cook for themselves--they can still get the meals that they need.
Fun Activities Every Senior in Flint Can Enjoy
Looking for senior-friendly activities in Flint? Outside of the popular senior centers, there is also the Flint Farmers Market, which is a great place to spend an afternoon and enjoy fresh produce from local farmers.
Seniors who are avid bowlers, will also find there are several leagues in Flint, including senior-only leagues and teams at B's Bowling Center and at Grand Blanc Lanes. These leagues are a great way for seniors to get out and have some fun with their peers.
Seniors who are more interested in the arts than interested in getting a strike, can go to the Flint Institute of Arts. This local museum is a wonderful place to spend an afternoon and actually has senior rates for qualifying visitors.