There are 10 nursing homes serving Franconia, New Hampshire. This includes 1 in Franconia and 9 nearby. The average cost / day of nursing home care in New Hampshire is approximately $291, with costs ranging between $210 and $394 per day. On a per month basis, this equates to a mean cost of $8,730, with costs ranging from about $6,300 up to $11,820. The average yearly cost is $106,215, which is over the national average of $77,380.
Franconia is a small municipality in New Hampshire. It is located in Grafton County. While the encompassing area has 414,257 people, there are just 1,369 living in the city itself. The 55-and-over community currently represents 47% of the total population.
Franconia has a good SeniorScore™ of 72. The city's mean household income is $65,000 ($31,000 per person), vs an average of $65,000 for the entire state of New Hampshire. The mean home price in Franconia is $436,500, which is somewhat higher than the state average of $358,500. The city also has a moderate unemployment rate of roughly 5.6%.
Franconia has very harsh average temperatures, with bitterly cold winters and calm summers. The area receives heavy levels of rain each year. In comparison to other cities in the United States, Franconia has good air quality and an exceptionally low crime rate.