There are 18 nursing homes serving Fredonia, New York. This includes 2 in Fredonia and 16 nearby. Nursing home care costs in New York range from around $150 to $613 per day, with a mean expenditure running approximately $340. The monthly cost averages roughly $10,200 and ranges between $4,500 and $18,390. On a yearly basis, the mean cost is about $124,100, which is greater than the national average of $77,380.
Located within Chautauqua County, Fredonia is a small city in New York. While the encompassing area is home to 1,144,550 residents, there are 14,870 living in the city limits. About 23% of the local residents are 55 and over.
Fredonia has an average SeniorScore™ of 66. The mean home price in the city is $195,000, which is significantly less than the New York average of $328,500. Fredonia has a low unemployment rate of approximately 4.86%. The city's mean household income is $46,000 ($22,000 per person), versus an average of $62,000 for the state of New York.
Fredonia has harsh mean temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers. The city gets average levels of precipitation annually. When compared to other cities, Fredonia has average air quality ratings.