There are 25 nursing homes in Garden Grove, California. The average daily cost for nursing home care in California is around $238, with costs running between $136 and $800 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to a mean cost of $7,140, with costs ranging from around $4,080 up to $24,000. The average yearly cost is $86,815, which is above the nationwide average of $77,380.
Nursing home care costs in Garden Grove, CA range from around $225 per day up to $600 per day, with an average cost of approximately $438 per day. This equates to an annual cost of around $159,870.
Garden Grove is a mid size city in Orange County, California. Though the city itself includes 172,782 inhabitants, the surrounding metro area includes a population of 20,301,672. People over the age of 55 represent about 21% of the total population.
Garden Grove has an average SeniorScore™ of 67. The city's median household income is $60,000 ($21,000 per person), compared to an average of $52,000 for the state of California. The median housing price in Garden Grove is $418,500, which is lower than the state average of $451,500. The city has a high unemployment rate of roughly 11%.
Garden Grove has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The city gets optimal amounts of precipitation annually. In relation to other cities, Garden Grove has very low air quality ratings, very low water quality, and a lower than average rate of crime.
Garden Grove, CA Senior Living
It should come as no surprise that many seniors want to head to California during their retirement. As most people know the Golden State is one of the most popular destinations in the world for seniors to spend this time in their lives. There is warm weather, access to beaches and mountains, and plenty of fun activities to keep any senior busy during their retirement. And while there are lots of great cities in California; Garden Grove continues to be one of the most popular cities for seniors to come and spend their retirement.
There is never a shortage of things to do in Garden Grove. Seniors can also enjoy the added perk of getting to live in a city filled with their peers. A recent study on the population of Garden Grove found that 15 percent of the population in this community is age 65 and older. With such a large number of seniors calling this California city "home" it should come as no surprise that there are plenty of resources and activities available for today's aging seniors.
Garden Grove Senior Resources
There are many great things about living in Garden Grove, besides the lack of snow. This California city is home to several senior centers that are designed to help improve the quality of life for adults living in the greater Garden Grove area. This includes popular senior centers such as the H. Louis Lake Senior Center. This popular senior center has something for everyone--seniors can take dance classes, yoga courses, art classes and even attend health screenings and educational courses.
This senior center is a great resource for older adults who are able to get out and about during the day, but there are also many seniors in Garden Grove who find themselves homebound and unable to get out on their own. For these seniors, getting healthy meals can be difficult, especially when they don't have anyone to care for them.
This is where SeniorServ can come in and help. This organization sponsors its own Meals on Wheels program. This service provides hot meals to seniors living in Garden Grove, California and hand-delivers these meals to home-bound seniors. This is a valuable service that can help seniors stay independent in their own homes.
Fun Activities Every Senior in Garden Grove Can Enjoy
There are so many senior centers in Garden Grove--and while these senior centers have plenty of fun activities for older adults to enjoy--there are even more ways for seniors to enjoy Garden Grove.
Garden Grove is famously home to Disneyland--one of the most magical places on earth and a great place for seniors to spend an afternoon with their grandchildren--they even have special senior tickets and senior services available for older visitors. There is also the historic Main Street in downtown Garden Grove. This is a great place for any senior to spend a leisurely afternoon exploring the shops and restaurants of the area and attend local festivals and farmer's market.