There are 19 nursing homes serving Heath, Ohio. This includes 2 in Heath and 17 nearby. The mean daily cost of nursing home care in Ohio is approximately $208, with costs ranging between $138 and $315 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a median expense of $6,240, with costs ranging from about $4,140 up to $9,450. The mean annual cost is $75,942, which is below the US average of $77,380.
Nursing home care costs in Heath, OH typically range from around $175 per day up to $200 per day, with an average cost of approximately $180 per day. That equates to a yearly cost of about $65,700.
Heath is a small city in Licking County in Ohio. It is part of the Columbus metropolitan statistical area. Though the city itself contains 17,439 inhabitants, the encompassing statistical area has a population of 1,451,748. Those who are over the age of 55 represent 28% of the total population.
Heath has a good SeniorScore™ of 75. The average home price in the city is $204,000, which is relatively higher than the state average of $177,000. Heath has a moderate unemployment rate of about 6.63%. The city's average household income is $55,000 ($26,000 on a per capita basis), versus an average of $49,000 for the whole of Ohio.
Heath has tolerable average temperatures, with tolerable winters and calm summers. The area gets average amounts of rain annually. Heath has a lower than average crime rate, very poor water quality ratings, and subpar air quality in comparison to other cities in the United States.