There are 20 nursing homes in Lubbock, Texas. The daily costs for nursing home care in Texas range from $94 to $260, with a median expense running about $139. The per month expense averages around $4,170 and ranges between $2,820 and $7,800. On an annual basis, the median cost is about $50,735, which is less than the nationwide average of $77,380.
The cost of nursing home care in Lubbock typically ranges from about $140 per day up to $312 per day. The average cost is approximately $184 per day, or about $67,058 per year.
Located in Lubbock County, Lubbock is a major city in Texas. Though the surrounding statistical area contains 205,381 inhabitants, there are 254,282 living inside the city itself. People over the age of 55 constitute 20% of the total community.
The SeniorScore™ for Lubbock is 79. The average home price in the city is $64,500, which is much less than the state average of $142,500. Lubbock has an average unemployment rate of approximately 6.47%. The city's average household income is $44,000 ($23,000 per person), versus an average of $47,000 for the whole of Texas.
Lubbock has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and very balmy summers. The city receives optimal levels of rain each year. Lubbock has moderate air quality ratings and a very high crime rate in relation to other cities.
Lubbock, Texas Senior Retirement Living
For most seniors, when it comes time to find a place to settle down and retire--there is no better state than charming Texas. And while there is no shortage of beautiful cities in Texas--Lubbock continues to be one of the most popular destinations for older adults to settle down in during their senior years.
Lubbock is the perfect mix of small-town charge, and big city amenities. There is plenty to do in the central downtown district of the city and of course there is beautiful, warm weather all year round and no harsh winters.
Perhaps this is why Lubbock has such a large senior population--and why their senior population is currently growing at such a fast rate. In fact, it is estimated that around 15 percent of Lubbock's population is age 65 and older--and these numbers are only expected to grow.
The good news is, there is even more for seniors to love about Lubbock as this Texas city is also full of many different senior resources, activities and amenities that can help improve the quality of life for seniors who choose to call this community "home."
Lubbock, Texas Senior Resources
The city of Lubbock, Texas offers their senior residents with plenty of resources that can help improve their quality of life and provide them with things to do during the day. One of the most popular senior centers is the Lubbock Adult Activity Center. Here, seniors can access health screenings, safe-driving classes, art classes and exercise classes. This is also a place where seniors can come and play games, take dance classes and spend time with their peers, all while enjoying delicious hot meals during the week.
The city of Lubbock, Texas also has their own Lubbock Meals on Wheels. This volunteer-based program provides local seniors with the meals and groceries that they need to remain home and stay well-fed and independent. In addition to providing meals to seniors, these volunteers also offer companionship to those seniors in need.
Fun Activities Every Senior in Lubbock, Texas Can Enjoy
It should come as no surprise that there are plenty of things to do in Lubbock, Texas for seniors who choose to call this city "home." While many seniors may want to just enjoy the beautiful weather in Lubbock (and getting to avoid harsh, cold winters), there are also a lot of other activities for seniors to do as well. Lubbock is home to the Buddy Holly Center, which has history and memorabilia as well as an arts venue. There is also the National Ranching Heritage Center, a great place for history buffs to learn more about the history of this area of Texas.
Seniors who have grandchildren will also have access to plenty of fun things to do with their little ones. This includes hot spots such as the Joyland Amusement Park--a fun place for rides, food and activities and the American Windmill Museum--another fun destination for the entire family to enjoy.