There are 9 nursing homes serving Mcintosh, Minnesota. This includes 1 in Mcintosh and 8 nearby. Nursing home care costs in Minnesota range from about $140 to $357 per day, with a median expense running around $228. The monthly cost averages about $6,840 and ranges between $4,200 and $10,710. On a yearly basis, the average cost is around $83,264, which is higher than the national average of $77,380.
Nursing home care costs in Mcintosh can range from around $167 per day to $378 per day, with an average cost of about $286 per day. This equates to a yearly cost of around $104,313.
Mcintosh is a small town in Polk County within Minnesota. It is included in the Grand Forks metropolitan area. Though the encompassing area includes 23,108 people, there are only 1,160 living inside the city. 38% of the residents are over the age of 55.
The SeniorScore™ for Mcintosh is 72. The city has a mean per capita income of $23,000. The mean household income is $40,000 versus the average of $53,000 for the whole of Minnesota. The current unemployment rate is roughly 5.25% and the mean home price is $118,500, which is lower than the Minnesota average of $211,500.
Mcintosh has very harsh average temperatures, with bitterly cold winters and pleasant summers. The city gets optimal amounts of rainfall each year. When compared to other American cities, Mcintosh has very good air quality.