There are 19 nursing homes serving Millsboro, Delaware. This includes 2 in Millsboro and 17 nearby. The median cost / day of nursing home care in Delaware is about $294, with costs ranging between $215 and $311 per day. On a per month basis, this equates to a mean cost of $8,820, with costs ranging from around $6,450 up to $9,330. The median annual cost is $107,310, which is greater than the US average of $77,380.
The cost for nursing home care in Millsboro, DE generally ranges from as little as $232 per day up to $337 per day. The median cost is about $299 per day, or around $109,135 yearly.
Located in Sussex County, Millsboro is a small city in the State of Delaware. It is the 7th biggest city in the state, with 24,601 inhabitants within the city limits and 160,728 in the encompassing metropolitan area. About 41% of the local residents are over the age of 55.
The SeniorScore™ for Millsboro is 70. The median housing price in the city is $273,000, which is somewhat less than the state average of $349,500. Millsboro also has an average unemployment rate of about 8.54%. The city's median household income is $50,000 ($26,000 on a per capita basis), versus an average of $57,000 for the state of Delaware.
Millsboro has tolerable mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and calm summers. The area receives heavy amounts of rain each year. Compared to other American cities, Millsboro has a higher than average rate of crime and poor air quality ratings.