There are 7 nursing homes serving Mitchell, South Dakota. This includes 3 in Mitchell and 4 nearby. The daily costs for nursing home care in South Dakota range from $160 up to $250, with an average expense running around $186. The monthly cost averages around $5,580 and ranges between $4,800 and $7,500. Yearly, the mean cost is around $67,890, which is under the nationwide average of $77,380.
Mitchell is a small city in Davison County within South Dakota. With 18,375 residents living in the city itself and 314,519 in the encompassing area, it is the 7th biggest city in the state. The senior community composes around 29% of the overall population.
The SeniorScore™ for Mitchell is 70. The city has a mean per capita income of $24,000 and a mean household income is $44,000 (the South Dakota state average is $47,000). The mean home price in Mitchell is $190,500, which is higher than the state average of $130,500. Mitchell also has a low unemployment rate of around 3.53%.
Mitchell has harsh average temperatures, with very cold winters and calm summers. The city receives ideal amounts of precipitation annually. In comparison to other cities in the United States, Mitchell has below average air quality ratings and an average crime rate.