There are 20 nursing homes serving New Albany, Mississippi. This includes 3 in New Albany and 17 nearby. The costs per day of nursing home care in Mississippi range from $152 up to $276, with a mean cost running around $204. The per month expense averages around $6,120 and ranges between $4,560 and $8,280. On a yearly basis, the median cost is about $74,460, which is under the US average of $77,380.
New Albany is a small city in Mississippi. It is located within Union County. While the encompassing metropolitan area is home to 1,188,211 residents, there are 16,600 living inside the city limits. Around 27% of the residents are 55 and over.
New Albany has a medium SeniorScore™ of 65. The city has a median per capita income of $19,000. The median household income is $38,000 vs the average of $34,000 for the entire state of Mississippi. The current unemployment rate is about 9.03% and the median housing price is $144,000, which is somewhat higher than the state average of $114,000.
New Albany has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and temperate summers. The city receives very heavy levels of rainfall annually. In relation to similarly-sized cities, New Albany has above average air quality.