Frequently Asked Questions
How much do nursing homes cost in California?
The average price of nursing home care in California is around $238 daily (ranging from $136 to $800), $7,140 monthly (ranging from $4,080 to $24,000), and $86,815 per year (ranging from $48,960 to $288,000). By comparison, the US averages are $212 daily, $6,360 monthly, and $77,380 per year.
How much is nursing care in North Hills?
The minimum monthly cost for nursing home care in North Hills, California is estimated to be about $4,950 and can run as high as $15,000. The median cost is approximately $8,040 monthly, with an annual cost of about $97,638.
What services are offered with nursing home care?
Most nursing homes provide many medical and rehabilitative services, including injury recovery, mental health care, palliative care, physical therapy, and injection administration. They typically provide care in shared or private rooms.
Does Medicaid cover nursing home care in North Hills?
There are several nursing homes in North Hills that take Medicaid, including Regency Oaks Post Acute Care Center, Royal Oaks Convalescent Hospital, Maple Healthcare Center, Century Villa, and The Bradley Gardens.
Are there a lot of retirees in North Hills?
Though the surrounding area has 14,471,917 people, there are 60,254 living inside the city. The 55-and-over community composes about 18% of the total population.