There are 19 nursing homes serving Ontario, California. This includes 7 in Ontario and 12 nearby. The median cost / day for nursing home care in California is $238, with costs running between $136 and $800 per day. On a per month basis, this equates to a median expense of $7,140, with costs ranging from around $4,080 up to $24,000. The median annual cost is $86,815, which is higher than the nationwide average of $77,380.
Costs of nursing home care in Ontario, CA can range between $165 per day and $500 per day. The median cost is approximately $268 per day, or around $97,638 annually.
Ontario is a medium sized city in San Bernardino County, California. The surrounding area is home to 20,301,672 inhabitants, but there are 166,856 living in the city limits. Residents 55 and over comprise around 15% of the total population.
Ontario has an above average SeniorScore™ of 70. The city's mean household income is $56,000 ($19,000 per person), versus an average of $52,000 for the state of California. The mean home price in Ontario is $223,500, which is less than the state average of $451,500. The city has a high unemployment rate of around 13.49%.
Ontario has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The city receives optimal levels of precipitation each year. In relation to similarly-sized cities, Ontario has a moderate crime rate, lower than average water quality, and very poor air quality ratings.
Ontario, California Senior Living
Are you a senior spending their retirement in Ontario, California? There is no denying that this Golden State city is a great place for any senior to spend their golden years. There is warm weather, access to beaches and mountains and a welcoming small-town feel that many seniors love.
Most seniors living in Ontario already know how beautiful this city is, but what many seniors don't realize is just how many resources and amenities there are in this California city. The city of Ontario knows just how many seniors there are living in their community and want to make sure that these seniors are well taken care of.
According to World Population Review, over 16 percent of the adult population of Ontario is age 65 and older. This is a surprisingly large senior population for a California city, which is great for seniors who want to be in a city around their peers.
However, there is even more for seniors in Ontario to love than just a large elderly population too. This city has so much for seniors, including a lot of resources and activities that any senior is sure to enjoy.
Ontario, California Senior Resources
Seniors have access health screenings, safe-driving classes, exercise courses and fun activities and social events at the Ontario Senior Center. This sprawling senior center is located in the center of town and hosts several educational events dedicated to area seniors. There are also plenty of daily activities for seniors, including spaces for card games, socializing and a cafeteria area where seniors can get a hot lunch. This is a great Ontario center for active seniors to spend their days and meet new friends while they do it.
There is also an area program known as Meals on Wheels of Ontario. This organization is dedicated to making sure that area seniors are not only getting a nutritious meal delivered right to their home. This resource was designed with home-bound seniors in mind to make sure that seniors who are unable to prepare their own meals are still able to get the healthy food they need.
Fun Activities Every Senior in Ontario, California Can Enjoy
Looking for senior friendly activities to enjoy on Ontario? There are plenty of things for older adults to do. The Museum of History and Art is a popular spot for seniors thanks to the museum's special senior rates--as is the Chaffey Community Museum of Art. Shoppers will love visiting the Ontario Mills mall--which also has a senior walking group of active adults that like to get their exercise inside this big mall.
Golf fans can enjoy special rates at the Whispering Lakes Golf Course--a beautiful place to spend the afternoon on the links. As for seniors who still want to spend their time outdoors--but in a more relaxing environment, there is the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. This garden has meticulously maintained grounds and is a wonderful place to learn more about horticulture or just spend an afternoon relaxing in the outdoors.