There are 20 nursing homes serving Plymouth, Connecticut. This includes 1 in Plymouth and 19 nearby. Nursing home care costs in Connecticut range from about $266 to $550 daily, with an average expense running around $390. The per month expense averages about $11,700 and ranges between $7,980 and $16,500. On a yearly basis, the average cost is about $142,168, which is higher than the national average of $77,380.
Plymouth is a town in Litchfield County, Connecticut. While the city contains just 2,376 residents, the surrounding area has a population of 254,309. People over the age of 55 comprise approximately 30% of the total community.
Plymouth has a very high SeniorScore™ of 81. The mean home price in the city is $378,000, which is lower than the Connecticut average of $456,000. Plymouth has an average unemployment rate of roughly 6.21%. The city's mean household income is $74,000 ($32,000 per person), compared to the average of $79,000 for the entire state of Connecticut.
Plymouth has extreme average temperatures, with cold winters and calm summers. The area gets very large amounts of rain annually. Compared to similarly-sized cities, Plymouth has average air quality and a very low rate of crime.