There are 19 nursing homes serving Port Clinton, Ohio. This includes 1 in Port Clinton and 18 nearby. The daily costs for nursing home care in Ohio range from $138 up to $315, with a median expenditure running around $208. The per month cost averages about $6,240 and ranges between $4,140 and $9,450. On an annual basis, the average cost is about $75,942, which is below the US average of $77,380.
Costs for nursing home care in Port Clinton can range between $190 per day and $309 per day. The median cost is approximately $244 per day, or about $89,060 annually.
Port Clinton is a small city in Ottawa County within Ohio. It is part of the Toledo metro area. The surrounding statistical area is home to 502,311 inhabitants, but there are 13,811 within the city limits. Those 55 and over represent about 38% of the population.
The SeniorScore™ for Port Clinton is 69. The mean home price in the city is $202,500, which is higher than the state average of $177,000. Port Clinton has an average unemployment rate of roughly 8.51%. The city's mean household income is $45,000 ($28,000 per person), in comparison to an average of $49,000 for the state of Ohio.
Port Clinton has harsh average temperatures, with medium winters and mildly warm summers. The city gets low amounts of rainfall each year. In comparison to other American cities, Port Clinton has moderate water quality, moderate air quality ratings, and an average crime rate.