There are 20 nursing homes serving Red Wing, Minnesota. This includes 3 in Red Wing and 17 nearby. The daily costs of nursing home care in Minnesota range from $140 to $357, with a mean expenditure running approximately $228. The per month expense averages about $6,840 and ranges between $4,200 and $10,710. On a yearly basis, the median cost is around $83,264, which is higher than the national average of $77,380.
The cost of nursing home care in Red Wing generally ranges from as little as $248 per day all the way up to $282 per day. The average cost is around $259 per day, or around $94,451 yearly.
Located within Goodhue County, Red Wing is a small city in Minnesota. While the surrounding metro area contains 1,077,918 residents, there are 18,564 within the city. Residents who are over 55 comprise approximately 31% of the total community.
The SeniorScore™ for Red Wing is 67. The city's average household income is $51,000 ($28,000 per capita), vs the average of $53,000 for the whole of Minnesota. The average housing price in Red Wing is $252,000, which is relatively higher than the state average of $211,500. Red Wing has a moderate unemployment rate of about 5.78%.
Red Wing has very harsh mean temperatures, with bitterly cold winters and mildly warm summers. The area receives low amounts of precipitation each year. Red Wing has a low crime rate and better than average air quality ratings in comparison to other cities.