There are 20 nursing homes serving Saco, Maine. This includes 2 in Saco and 18 nearby. The mean cost per day of nursing home care in Maine is approximately $275, with costs ranging between $208 and $366 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to a median expenditure of $8,250, with costs ranging from around $6,240 up to $10,980. The mean yearly cost is $100,375, which is greater than the nationwide average of $77,380.
The cost of nursing home care in Saco, ME ranges from about $280 per day up to $443 per day. The median cost is about $352 per day, or about $128,480 annually.
Located within York County, Saco is a small city in Maine. It is included in the Portland-South Portland-Biddeford metro area. While the surrounding area contains 431,997 inhabitants, there are 18,482 living in the city. People who are over the age of 55 represent around 28% of the population.
Saco has a medium SeniorScore™ of 69. The city's median household income is $56,000 ($27,000 per capita), compared to the average of $47,000 for the whole of Maine. The median housing price in Saco is $343,500, which is relatively higher than the state average of $253,500. The city has an average unemployment rate of about 5.41%.
Saco has extreme mean temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers. The city receives high levels of precipitation annually. In comparison to similarly-sized cities, Saco has a lower than average rate of crime and excellent air quality ratings.