There are 20 nursing homes serving Seymour, Wisconsin. This includes 2 in Seymour and 18 nearby. The average daily cost of nursing home care in Wisconsin is about $239, with costs ranging between $170 and $516 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to a median cost of $7,170, with costs ranging from about $5,100 to $15,480. The average annual cost is $87,363, which is over the national average of $77,380.
Nursing home care costs in Seymour range from $245 per day to $317 per day, with a median cost of about $280 per day. That equates to an annual cost of around $102,018.
Seymour is a small city in the State of Wisconsin. It is located within Outagamie County and is included in the Appleton metro statistical area. The city has a population of 7,539, with 195,033 inhabitants in the encompassing metro area. 23% of the population are over 55.
The SeniorScore™ for Seymour is 73. The median home price in the city is $253,500, which is somewhat higher than the Wisconsin average of $234,000. Seymour has a low unemployment rate of roughly 3.97%. The city's median household income is $59,000 ($26,000 per capita), vs an average of $52,000 for the state of Wisconsin.
Seymour has very harsh average temperatures, with bitterly cold winters and calm summers. The area gets low amounts of rain annually. Seymour has a low crime rate and average air quality in relation to other American cities.