There are 10 nursing homes serving Sylvania, Georgia. This includes 1 in Sylvania and 9 nearby. The costs per day for nursing home care in Georgia range from $116 up to $240, with a mean expense running around $180. The monthly cost averages roughly $5,400 and ranges between $3,480 and $7,200. Annually, the average cost is around $65,700, which is under the US average of $77,380.
Sylvania is a small city in Screven County, Georgia. While the encompassing metropolitan area is home to 1,342,727 residents, there are 12,600 living in the city limits. The senior community currently makes up 28% of the total population.
Sylvania has a medium SeniorScore™ of 62. The city has a mean per capita income of $17,000. The average household income is $32,000 versus an average of $41,000 for the state of Georgia. The current unemployment rate is approximately 15.02% and the average housing price is $118,500, which is less than the state average of $163,500.
Sylvania has ideal average temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The area receives very heavy levels of rain each year. Sylvania has a higher than average rate of crime and subpar air quality ratings in relation to other cities in the United States.