(Using “them/they””loved one” for privacy reasons)I’m writing this review from mine and my families own personal experience. I’m also writing this review to help the next person who is thinking of placing their family member here, or if a hospital recommends it,don’t…. know that this place is NOT going to care for your loved ones, or care about their progression. Your family member is just a dollar sign to them and an inconvenience. My loved one was transferred here to be a little closer to home. I wish the family never moved our loved one to Asistencia. From the get go, they weren’t prepped or knew any information about my loved ones medical history, they scrambled everyday because they “ Were short staffed”, something the staff constantly complained about. Believe me, you, that myself and other family members of mine had to reiterate daily my loved ones needs, health history, and just the jobs they had to do that were required to do everyday. It’s not just the staff on floor who communicate poorly, but definitely the charge nurses and the head staff/mgrs. I know they all know that this place is a shit show, with real people dying. Their might be a couple good hearted people there, but I can’t come to peace with that knowing what they did to my loved one and others. I know they weren’t blind to ALL the NEGLECT. Let me start with the RN’s and the RT’s. They don’t communicate and the best answer they EVER gave to our family when it came to asking “How is my loved ones progress going?”,”Did they fall today?”,”Where did this rash/bruise come from??”(yes, the worst happened here), they’d answer with, “I don’t know, I just started this shift”, “I haven’t looked at the charts yet.”,”This is my first day with them so I’m not sure.” anything they could say to avoid saying any truths or accountability was said. They also don’t chart or REPORT incidents. MAJOR incidents, that even insurances agree that something is OFF, and are worried about abuse. Janitorial services could only do as much as the nurses would report, if there’s urine,liquid food, or anything dangerous on the floor or could attract any insects to your loved ones bed…they’d walk by it. There’s patients that are HALF out the bed BEGGING for HELP! Patients GURGGLING for AIR….my OWN loved one was a VICTIM of this. I’d have to call or hunt a nurse down to help patients roomed with my family member and most of the time they were chopping it up in the hallway like there weren’t call lights going off or patients screaming. Pathetic. I have walked in with my loved one half way out of the geriatric chair, while their ventilator tube was barely holding them by the neck to keep them afloat, it was HORRIFYING to see, I picked up my loved one and I told the nurse how they could not see or tend to something so SEVERE and endangering to their health, of course the staff were oblivious even thought the doors are WIDE OPEN and our loved one was more on the high risk end. My loved ones neck was bleeding after, AND THE RT’S claimed my LOVED ONE PULLED THE VENT! The vent was the only thing holding them up!! My loved one didn’t have the strength to do that. My loved one sat in feces more times than I could count, had HORRENDOUS rashes in which the staff WEREN’T medicating OR WIPING CORRECTLY AND DID NOT REPORT TO THE FAMILY AT ALL OF ANY RASHES UNTIL THEY WERE CONFRONTED. WHAT IF THESE WERE CHILDREN??!! I’ve never ONCE seen my family members hair wet, or have they smelled truly CLEANED, but they constantly claimed they gave ALL the patients baths/showers. The bruises were always a problem, they claimed my loved one “Fell out of bed”, this happened at least 5 times within the short time my loved one was there! Do you wanna know what their solution was? They PUSHED my loved ones bed TO THE WALL and BARRICADED them with the G-CHAIR so they wouldn’t fall off at all…how could any facility be okay with this type of practice? Oh right, money. The patients who are able to wheelchair around invade other rooms, where items go missing and god knows what else some do to the other patients who are incapable of even moving. I’ve caught men patients lurking in some of the womens who were patients rooms too, where I’ve reported to the staff and asked them not to allow other patients in my family members room. They hardly cared, because it continued to happen. Physical therapy only comes maybe twice a week, it’s not consistent in the progression of recovery and they don’t always get to all patients. So, if your family member is lucky, they might get the care they need once or twice. The doctor doesn’t come in ever, the charge nurse claimed he only comes if it’s necessary or urgent, I maybe saw him once and he was actually having a meeting with staff about my loved ones care and why they were barricaded that way(not like it was effective anyway), he wasn’t aware of any bruising