Berkeley Heights Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is a 130 unit nursing facility. It is located at 35 Cottage St in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. With an average per-household income of $138,590, the community is in a mostly well-to-do area. It has a medium-density population, with approximately 13,000 individuals living in the zip code of 07922. It is located near plenty of local amenities, such as retail stores, churches, and medical services. They are located just 1.14 miles from Runnells Specialized Hospital. There are numerous pharmacies within one mile of the community. Also, there are a number of churches within four miles, which include Church of the Little Flower, Wildrick Kenyon J, Block Russell C, and Union Village United Methodist.
Berkeley Heights Nursing and Rehabilitation Center can provide multiple types of senior housing, including nursing home care and dementia care. They are a great alternative for individuals who aren't able to live on their own and need a higher degree of support and medical attention. Also, they can accommodate individuals who are dealing with Alzheimer's and who have challenges with day-to-day chores, and who need special assistance on a frquent basis.
This provider features many amenities and services for their residents. Recreational activities include off site outings, education programs, arts and crafts projects, spiritual/religious activities, and daily exercise programs. Also offered are assistance with personal care, cardiac care, physical therapy, dentist care available, nurses on site, along with other health services. Additionally, they offer various property amenities that include high speed internet, an on-site restaurant, a community dining hall, a hair salon, and an outdoor garden.
Average costs-per-month for Berkeley Heights Nursing and Rehabilitation Center are about $14,130. This is higher than the $11,468 average cost in Berkeley Heights. The average cost throughout New Jersey is about $8,437, which is greater than the national average of $5,718.
Berkeley Heights Nursing and Rehabilitation Center has been registered with Medicare and Medicaid since 1983. They obtained 5 out of 5 stars in the latest report published by Medicare. This result was based upon a combined measure of health evaluations, staff ratings, and overall quality. Within the latest period, they had 2 complaints filed, 0 total penalties enforced, 0 payment denials, 1 deficiency recorded, and 0 fines enforced.
(908) 464-0048