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by Bree on SeniorAdvice.com 10/22/2019
I worked with a private duty patient at Brentwood. Although I feel it is a fair place from a nurse point of view I saw things that were not appropriate. There was one situation where a supervisor told me and the sister of someone who she had been seeing about a patient in there and why she was there. This is a major HIPPA violation. Another incident occurred when the same patient was sexually inappropriate and I told the nurse and he said it was funny and he was going to pop popcorn and do a video. After I reported this to the person who hired me I was told a few days later the administrator said I could not come back. I was also told by the family that my job was not to bathe and when I told the staff they continued to harass me to help. The assistants are so untrained that I felt for safety measures it was best to assist. There was also racial tensions. A black nurse on evenings told me not to do baths and they would. I refuse to make a dementia patient bathe because it is against patient rights. She told me he next time to call her. A week later the patient refused a bath and the assistant could not reach the nurse. The next week the same thing happened and the nurse did not come but told the assistant to do a sponge bathe. The next day my employer was told I could not come back. I saw an employee doing cartwheels and laying on floor. I saw a nurse firmly force a resident with dementia in her room. You see what they want you to see and I truly believe they make it up as they go. Inwas also surprised my employer had so much knowledge of other patient’s business such as a patient when was moved to Georgia and was being highly sedated. That is why it is an ethical concern when employees date patient or residents family members.
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