We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by For the ones that can't talk on SeniorAdvice.com 10/30/2021
I would never had my mother took to this place had I known they cut the medicines that was keeping her a live She wasn't bathed not one time being there over six months She was exposed to covid while only in their care They stuck her in a room alone and they didn't go back til she died. She had warned me that they was making her take a pill telling her it was none of her business what it was. After receiving her medicine list from the insurance I see they not only cut or never once gave her the medicines keeping her alive, I still haven't received the first call from anyone and was hung up on when I asked for her belongings. This was my mother's second trip here and the first time she was never treated like this. I received one call about me talking to her because the caregivers was feeling animosity towards her because they didn't feel she was helping enough in cleaning her up. She was never permitted to use the toilet in the room which she could have . I asked for a bedside pan and was told yes and she never got it One restroom would be for 4 people being double doored . My mother is gone now and if you care anything about your loved one you would never take them to this place . They said she lost 48 pounds and I'm here to tell you she lost 148 pounds ! Everything I took her was taken from her and placed in a lockbox which I have not been given the chance to pick up .Things we could have used like dry shampoo. We never had a problem with given her a bowl bath. She wouldn't let go of her toothbrush and said she was never allowed to brush I received a bill for 90 mins of extra care and I would sure like to know what they did in that 90 mins a month It wasn't used feeding or bathing for sure . She was left to suffocate alone and scared I'm sure!!!
by 3rd Daughter on SeniorAdvice.com 05/28/2021
My father came in for short term rehab. The staff were very caring, kind, and compassionate. There was one rude nurse on the floor my father was on, but the rest of the staff were wonderful. Top notch therapy and therapy staff. This is the 3rd nursing home my father has been in the past 2 years, and this is the best. He was up walking the first day. I could not ask for better caring and compasionate people.
by Cheri on SeniorAdvice.com 05/24/2021
Please do not take your loved one here!! They do not care about quality care of their patients. My dad needed his med changed to one that is more effective for him (Lasix) and the doctor said no. In the meantime he kept getting more and more confused and his cough was getting worse. I was concerned but no one would listen or do anything when I tried to talk to the nurse. They agreed he was worse but that was as far as it went. On the last day he was there he was unresponsive when we came in and his air was turned to 68 and his blanket was sopping wet!! I took the blanket to a nurse and another nurse finally checked his vitals. His pulse was 24!! His cough was terrible. They even told me at breakfast ge was unresponsive but no one did anything! They finally sent him to the hospital with both of his lungs almost filled to capacity. How did they let it get to this is beyond me!! My dad is fighting fir his life! Do not do this to your loved one!!
by Artie on SeniorAdvice.com 03/13/2021
This place is a horrible place...they allowed my sister to roll out of bed.. was never taken to the hospital... she laid in her own feces and urine for hours... they were extremely rough with her and would keep her door closed...when she was sick they never helped her even though we called and asked them to help her they commented I will pass the message on...I saw feces in her diaper.. her tail bone hurt her severely cause they wouldn’t help her or turn her...when she coded they DID NOT CALL FOR AN AMBULANCE OR 911...we knew that she was sick because she died... she died a horrible death by their hands...and she was only 60 years old...I hope that they close this place down so that nobody else’s family member suffers and dies here...
by Pissedoff56 on SeniorAdvice.com 11/18/2019
My first cousin and best friend passed away at this place November 4 this year. The first evening I came to set with her the call light was in the floor, her water cup was so far away from her where was no way she could reach it. They were aware she was unable to feed herself yet her tray was left untouched. After the first visit I came back everyday to make sure she had water, her call light was within reach and I fed her what little she could manage to swallow. Most of the nurses behind the desk were rude and made it clear they did not want to leave their chair behind the desk to help me. She was only there less thank a week and I left every night wondering if she wold be given a drink of water during my absence, this was extremely upsetting for me, yet no where near as difficult as this place was for my loved one,,, please don't trust your family members to this place.
by Sharon W. on SeniorAdvice.com 01/16/2019
My mother stayed here for a short term rehab stay. The staff were wonderful to her. They were quick, efficient, and caring.
by FamilyMattersMost on SeniorAdvice.com 07/30/2018
The new renovations are outstanding. Each patient has a private room on the rehabilitation side. Therapy is very professional, thorough, and caring. Staff are always busy, but treat each patient with care, like they are family. Love this place and would recommend to anyone who is looking for a great rehabilitation facility. You can not beat the therapy department to get you back on your feet!
by pattyc on SeniorAdvice.com 06/27/2017
This is a skilled care/nursing facility. While the rooms are basic, the staff is caring and compassionate. the physical, occupational and speech therapists are excellent, thorough in their assessments. They treat each patient with respect. The food is above average. Dietary strives to individualize patient needs. Social activities are available on a daily basis.
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