We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by Concerned citizen on SeniorAdvice.com 06/24/2019
This place was originally called Chapman Oaks, now it?s Senior Oaks because the reviews are so bad. This senior care home is the same home that the owner ***** lives in with her 36 year old son *****. ***** bedroom is only a few feet away from where the elderly folks that stay there are sleeping, and the elderly people do not have doors on their bedrooms.
by very concerned on SeniorAdvice.com 10/09/2018
one person on duty for over 10 elderly ...no one interacting, they just sit them in front of the tv.... !!!
by Concerned Citizen on SeniorAdvice.com 08/11/2018
The review about this place being frightening is absolutely correct. The staff here does not care about the elderly that are in this facility. It is heart breaking to witness.
by nmg on SeniorAdvice.com 04/05/2018
My Dad stayed here for a year and had delicious home cooked meals, laundry service, medicine management and went on errands with his caretaker when he was feeling well. Patients are cared for based on their need. If they are able, they can sit outside in carport, have pet therapy visits, spend time with people of all ages. There are crafts and each person has a room where they sleep but can be part of the home life as much as desired.
by gluck1 on SeniorAdvice.com 12/12/2017
I have heard very frightening reports about conditions at this home - windows kept closed, forced sitting for hours in front of TV, invaded privacy, violent treatment and poor food.I hope these were somewhat exaggerated, but think it should be investigated.