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by Lee C-H on SeniorAdvice.com 08/09/2021
Chilton Family Care Home welcomed my best friend on December 31, 2018.The care she has received has been exceptional. Leslie (RN/Owner) and her team of CNA's have given my friend a more calming atmosphere due to only having 3-5 workers. They know her needs and her moods ~ so can work with her on the days where she needs extra empathy and compassion.Chilton's is truly a Family Care Home. Leslie's 4 girls ages 5 - 11 take time to be with residents. Especially on days where an extra dose of love is needed.Children ???????? do add a measure of care in this home setting.Meals are wonderful!The CARE given to a variety of home cooked meals. Thank you Mary Ellen! ???? A special treat for all on Tuesdays when they order from the Mayflower ???????????????? Heartfelt appreciation to the Chilton Family and Team Members. ????"Thank You for You"????????Thank You for Caring????