Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home is a 120 room nursing facility. It is located at 1920 Mason Ave in Daytona, Florida. With around 25,000 individuals living in the zip code of 32117, the neighboring area has a dense population. It is a primarily working class area, with a median per-household income of $33,489. It is located close to retail shopping, churches, healthcare services, and other local amenities. They are located only 2 miles from Halifax Health Medical Center. There are dozens of drug stores within 1 mile of the community. There are also many churches within four miles, including Christ Community Church, Westside Baptist Church, Church of God of Prophecy, and Tubman-King Community Church.
Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home offers nursing home care. The facility is a good choice for seniors who are seriously infirmed and need assistance with day-to-day activities but also must have regular access to medical services.
Average monthly costs for this provider are approximately $8,454. The Daytona average for the same level of care is about $8,821. While the nationwide estimated cost is around $6,360, the State of Florida is around $6,900 monthly.
Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home has been licensed with both Medicare and Medicaid since 1994. They obtained 4 out of 5 stars in the latest report published by Medicare, based on a collective criterion of all-around quality, staff reviews, and safety investigations. Within that period, they had 1 total penalty levied, 2 complaints reported, 1 fine levied for $10,250, 4 deficiencies reported, and 0 payment denials.
(386) 274-3460