Garland Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P. is a 78 room nursing facility. It is located within the Creekside Village area of Garland, Texas. The neighboring area has a dense population, with about 39,000 residents in the 75042 zip code. With an average per-household income of $43,705, it is a primarily middle income area. Located nearby are houses of worship, retail stores, medical services, and other local amenities. They are located only 0.13 miles from Vista Hospital Of Dallas. There are dozens of pharmacies within 1 mile of the community. Also, there are numerous churches within four miles, including Abel Shawn MD, St Barnabas Episcopal Church, Calvary Baptist Church, and Ethiopian Orthodox St Michael.
Garland Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P. offers nursing home care. They can provide care for residents who are seriously infirmed and need assistance with routine activities and who must have frequent access to healthcare services.
The monthly average cost of care for Garland Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P. is around $6,404. This is below the Garland estimate of $6,540. The cost average for Texas is around $4,170, versus $6,360 nationwide.
Garland Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P. has been certified by Medicaid and Medicare for 20 years. In the latest Medicare reporting, they received a total of 1 / 5 stars based upon a combined measure of overall quality, health and safety investigations, and staffing evaluations. During the latest period they had the following: 0 payment denials, 1 total penalty enforced, 0 complaints made, 12 deficiencies recorded, and 1 fine enforced for $1,040.
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(972) 276-9571