Good Samaritan Society - Beatrice is located at 401 S 22nd St in Beatrice, Nebraska. It is an 80 bed senior care community. The community is in a predominantly middle class area, with an average per-family income of $40,716. It has a medium-density population, with around 16,000 individuals living in the 68310 zip code. Located nearby are churches, retail stores, medical facilities, and other local amenities. There are 13 churches within 4 miles, including Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's, Church of Nazarene, and Bible Baptist. There are 5 drugstores within a mile of the community. They're also located just 1.37 miles from Beatrice Community Hospital & Health Center.
Good Samaritan Society - Beatrice offers the following types of care: nursing home care, assisted living, and Alzheimer's care. They can care for individuals who are seriously infirmed and require assistance with day-to-day activities but also need to have regular access to medical services. Also, they can provide for individuals who require assistance with common chores but who wish to maintain their independence to some degree. Additionally they can house individuals who are at any stage of memory loss and who have challenges with common chores, and who need special assistance on a frquent basis.
Good Samaritan Society - Beatrice features a large number of amenities and services to their residents. Room amenities include safety and disabled fixtures, in-room kitchenettes, an emergency call system, in-room cable television, and regular housekeeping. Also offered are occupational therapy, speech therapy, nurses on staff, medication support, general assistance with personal care, along with other health services. Additionally, they provide various facility features that include a gym, a library, and a community dining hall.
The estimated average cost of care for Good Samaritan Society - Beatrice is approximately $3,218 each month. The Beatrice average for the same level of care is about $3,371. While the US average cost is around $3,937, the State of Nebraska is around $3,489 each month.
Good Samaritan Society - Beatrice has operated since 1996 and are licensed with Medicare and Medicaid. In the latest Medicare ratings, they received a total of 3 out of 5 stars based upon a collective criterion of all-around quality, staffing evaluations, and safety investigations. Within that period, they had 5 deficiencies recorded, no total penalties enforced, no fines enforced, 1 complaint reported, and no payment denials.
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(402) 228-3304