Grand Victorian of Pekin is a senior care facility located at 2700 S 14th St in Pekin, Illinois. With a median per-household income of $45,958, the facility is in a predominantly middle class area. It has a dense population, with roughly 45,000 people residing in the zip code of 61554. It is located around health care services, retail stores, churches, and other local conveniences. They are located just 1.92 miles from Pekin Memorial Hospital. There are many drug stores within a mile of the facility. Additionally, there are multiple churches within 4 miles, including First Presbyterian Church, Ioder Glenn K, Faith Baptist Church, and Cordes Ralph H.
Grand Victorian of Pekin offers both assisted living and nursing home care. They are a great alternative for individuals who are mobile but need some support with completing daily activities like bathing, preparing meals, and house cleaning. They can also provide for seniors who need a higher level of assistance and round-the-clock nursing care.
Grand Victorian of Pekin features many services and amenities for residents. Facility amenities include a communal dining hall and an on-site restaurant. Also offered are health and wellness programs, TV and movie nights, spiritual/religious activities, off site outings, education programs, along with other recreational activities. Additionally, they provide various medical services including general help with personal care, nurses on site, and medication support.
The average cost for this facility is around $5,676 per month. The Pekin average for the same type of care is about $5,098. The cost average for Illinois is approximately $4,453, versus $4,930 nationwide.
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(309) 346-1310