We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by Kathy Krueger on SeniorAdvice.com 08/04/2021
Marquette County is very fortunate to have the best assisted living facility ever. My Mom lived there for 3 1/2 years and loved it. She had excellent care, from some of the best trained and most caring people around. My Mom was able to fully take care of herself when she moved there and over the years eventually needed assistance to do everything. The caregivers were fantastic and so supportive to her and my sister and I. Now my Mother-in -Law is living there after having been in a nursing home in Dane county for 7 months, and she absolutely loves it too. She has been there about 1 1/2 months and still keeps saying 'I am so happy I am here'. 'I finally feel like I am home and comfy'. The place is clean, cheerful and bright. There are a variety of activities to participate in. Church services, if you wish to attend. Movie night for those that like to watch the 'big' screen. There are several beautiful patio areas to enjoy the wonderful landscape too on nice summer and fall days.We are so lucky to have such a nice place for our loved ones to be cared for when they can no longer be at home alone.Thank you Nan and thank you Harris Villa Staff
by Kathy Krueger on SeniorAdvice.com 07/05/2021
Marquette County is very fortunate to have the best assisted living facility ever. My Mom lived there for 3 1/2 years and loved it. She had excellent care, from some of the best trained and most caring people around. My Mom was able to fully take care of herself when she moved there and over the years eventually needed assistance to do everything. The caregivers were fantastic and so supportive to her and my sister and I. Now my Mother-in -Law is living there after having been in a nursing home in Dane county for 7 months, and she absolutely loves it too. She has been there about 1 1/2 months and still keeps saying 'I am so happy I am here'. 'I finally feel like I am home and comfy'. The place is clean, cheerful and bright. There are a variety of activities to participate in. Church services, if you wish to attend. Movie night for those that like to watch the 'big' screen. There are several beautiful patio areas to enjoy the wonderful landscape too on nice summer and fall days.We are so lucky to have such a nice place for our loved ones to be cared for when they can no longer be at home alone.Thank you Nan and thank you Harris Villa Staff
by Kathy Krueger on SeniorAdvice.com 06/17/2021
Marquette County is very fortunate to have the best assisted living facility ever. My Mom lived there for 3 1/2 years and loved it. She had excellent care, from some of the best trained and most caring people around. My Mom was able to fully take care of herself when she moved there and over the years eventually needed assistance to do everything. The caregivers were fantastic and so supportive to her and my sister and I. Now my Mother-in -Law is living there after having been in a nursing home in Dane county for 7 months, and she absolutely loves it too. She has been there about 1 1/2 months and still keeps saying 'I am so happy I am here'. 'I finally feel like I am home and comfy'. The place is clean, cheerful and bright. There are a variety of activities to participate in. Church services, if you wish to attend. Movie night for those that like to watch the 'big' screen. There are several beautiful patio areas to enjoy the wonderful landscape too on nice summer and fall days.We are so lucky to have such a nice place for our loved ones to be cared for when they can no longer be at home alone.Thank you Nan and thank you Harris Villa Staff
by Barb on SeniorAdvice.com 06/16/2021
This is the most awesome Assisted Living facility in our area. My mother has been there a couple years, and I would recommend it to any one needing their services. The owner & staff are considerate and compassionate to the patients and their families. Our family is very grateful for the care we get for my mother and their watchful eye on my father when he visits. And I would also like to mention that the Harris Villa is a beautiful, clean and modern home for all those lucky enough to live there.