IntegraCare of Lubbock,TX Hospice
1312 Texas Ave, Lubbock, TX 79401
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Reviews of IntegraCare of Lubbock,TX Hospice
There are currently no reviews for IntegraCare of Lubbock,TX Hospice.
Pricing for IntegraCare of Lubbock,TX Hospice
In-Home Care | $3,409* (click below for pricing info) |
* All cost estimates are based on general costs for providers in this local area. Please confirm pricing with each provider directly before making a decision.
IntegraCare of Lubbock,TX Hospice Cost Comparisons
About IntegraCare of Lubbock,TX Hospice
Located at 1312 Texas Ave in Lubbock, TX, IntegraCare of Lubbock,TX Hospice is a senior home health care service provider that offers personal care services and in-home health services. Since 1991, they have been serving seniors throughout the Lubbock area. They can provide a variety of medical services such as cardiac support, Alzheimer's care, licensed nursing, catheter care, and occupational therapy. Additionally, they can provide different personal services like exercise help, spiritual support, hygiene assistance, help with dressing, and help with errands. They also provide short term care and hospice care. They accept a variety of payment options including Medicaid benefits, VA benefits, Medicare benefits, and insurance.
Visit Website
(806) 788-5566
Provider Services
Service Types
- Home Care
Insurance Types
- Medicaid
- Insurance
- VA Benefits
- Medicare
Personal Services
- Emotional Support
- Spiritual Care
- Exercise Assistance
- Transportation Assistance
- Companionship
- Dressing Assistance
- Meal Preparation
- Personal Hygiene Assistance
- Medication Assistance
- Errands
Medical Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Stroke Care
- Alzheimer's/Dementia Care
- Cardiac Care
- Cancer Care
- Pain Management
- Catheter Care
- Wound Care
- Licensed Nurses
- CPR / First Aid
- Nursing Care
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Pathology
- Medical Social Services
- Home Health Aide
Other Services
- Hospice Care
- Short Term Care
Provider Information
- Ownership: Proprietary
- Certified Since 11/21/1991
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