We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by Templeton on SeniorAdvice.com 01/13/2021
Yes, we residents of Lakefront Nursing & Rehabilitation centerare being neglected of our rights.We are unable to go to the store because of the corona virus. They are forcing us to by items that we don't like or are too expensive because they won't go to the store for us which I feel is neglect.
by booonu on SeniorAdvice.com 11/12/2019
The facility is understaffed, poorly managed, and (frankly) gross. Patients who rely on care will go more than a day without being showered. Patients who are more independent will find that they have to reside at the facility for weeks before they will be given a 1-hour pass to leave the premises. It will be weeks after that before you can earn a 2-hour pass, and so-on. Patients will tell you that the facility has a habit of kicking out patients they do not like, and then writing on their records that the patients left against medical advice so that the facility does not have to provide appropriate or necessary aftercare. The facility tries to bill some patients medicaid AND the patient for the price of rent. Patients who do not smoke and who require higher levels of care are rarely allowed outside to get any fresh air.Patients have a history of having to contact disability rights organizations or lawyers to ensure they are not further harmed while in the facility. There's a swastika etched into the stairwell.
Ratings and Reviews from Around the Web
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Breakdown of Results: | |
Overall Medicare Rating: | |
Medicare Health Rating: | |
Medicare Quality Rating: | |
Medicare Staff Rating (All Staff): | |
Medicare RN/Nurses Rating: | |