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by TBurdblew on SeniorAdvice.com 04/14/2020
This review is for an employee by the name of Olivia P. and she actually deserves 5 stars. She has been exceptional when it comes to answering the phone and always being helpful. She actually walked from her station to get my grandmother on another wing so I could talk with her because no one would answer the phone and I had called multiple times.As far as the facility, I don't have much to say that would be positive. I haven't seen the inside because of the pandemic right now but I can say what I hear when I do talk to my grandmother. Station 1, if and when they answer the phone, never seems to know where my grandmother is. They have to go "find" her and she has dementia. They must think that people can't hear their conversations when speaking with their loved ones because they talk about everything including patients that are more challenging. I am being nice and not quoting some of the comments that I have heard due to the lewdness of them that are unnecessary and very unprofessional. This past weekend, while speaking with my grandmother, another resident was yelling for help and it was this fear in the person's voice that was chilling to me and I heard the staff carry on their conversation while this resident was yelling please help.... someone help .... for about 2 minutes. This is the first time I have heard someone scream for help but the over heard attitudes of the staff is heart wrenching when I know that my grandmother is in there and I can't see her. :( I hope that this place can get more people like Olivia. I understand the amount of stress and poor pay makes it difficult to find the right people but we need more Olivia's in this facility! So Olivia, I personally want to say THANK YOU again because you are exceptional!
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Reviews from YellowPages.com (1)
by gatoramatx on 08/30/2012 | |