Nearby Hospitals
- Samaritan Memorial Hospital - 1.37 Miles Away
Nearby Pharmacies
- Macon Pharmacy - 1.46 Miles Away
- Walmart - 1.63 Miles Away
Nearby Churches
- Apostolic Pentecostal Church - 1.71 Miles Away
- First Church of Nazarene - 2.78 Miles Away
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Nursing Care | $4,408* (click below for pricing info) |
Assisted Living | $2,041* (click below for pricing info) |
Adult Daycare | $1,826* (click below for pricing info) |
* All cost estimates are based on general costs for providers in this local area. Please confirm pricing with each provider directly before making a decision.
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Breakdown of Results: | |
Overall Medicare Rating: | |
Medicare Health Rating: | |
Medicare Quality Rating: | |
Medicare Staff Rating (All Staff): | |
Medicare RN/Nurses Rating: |
Loch Haven is located at 701 Sunset Hills Dr PO Box 187 in Macon, Missouri. It is a 180 bed senior housing community. The community is in a generally middle income area, with a median per-household income of $37,493. With approximately 9,000 individuals residing in the 63552 zip code, it has an average population density. It is close to plenty of local amenities, such as retail stores, houses of worship, and healthcare services. They're located just 1.37 miles from Samaritan Memorial Hospital, there are 2 drugstores within one mile of the facility, and there are 2 churches within four miles, which include Apostolic Pentecostal Church and First Church of Nazarene.
Loch Haven offers multiple types of care, including memory care, assisted living, independent living, and nursing home care. They can care for people who are at any level of memory loss and who have challenges with day-to-day tasks, and who require special attention on a frquent basis. They can also provide for people who need help with daily tasks but who also want to maintain their independence to some degree. Additionally they can house people who are in good health and independent but want to live amongst other senior citizens and enjoy services like housekeeping and on-site maintenance in a social setting. Lastly, they can care for people who are mostly confined to their bed and need to be under the care of nurses around the clock.
Loch Haven offers numerous amenities and services. Property features include an on site diner, a hair salon, a game and activities room, manicured grounds, and a communal living area. Also offered are off-site field trips and wellness and health programs, and other recreational activities. Additionally, they offer multiple medical services that include occupational therapy, speech therapy, nurses on site, help with medication, and assistance with personal care.
The average per month expense for this facility is around $2,758. The Macon estimate for this level of care is about $2,855. The estimated cost for Missouri is about $3,033, versus $3,937 nationally.
Loch Haven has been open for 36 years. They are currently licensed with both Medicaid and Medicare. In the latest data published by Medicare, they obtained a total score of 4/5 stars based upon a combined measure of staff reviews, health assessments, and overall quality. Within this period they have had the following: 0 fines applied, 0 complaints made, 2 deficiencies reported, 0 payment denials, and 0 total penalties applied.
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(660) 385-3113
What is the cost of care at Loch Haven?
The average per month expense for this facility is around $2,758. The Macon estimate for this level of care is about $2,855. The estimated cost for Missouri is about $3,033, versus $3,937 nationally.
How did Medicare rate Loch Haven?
Medicare gave Loch Haven an average rating of 3.6/5 stars in the latest survey.
What types of payment does Loch Haven accept?
According to our records, Loch Haven accepts Medicare, insurance, private pay, and Medicaid.
Estimated Cost: $2,679 / Month
707 Ranchland Dr, Macon, MO 63552
5 Reviews
Estimated Cost: $2,719 / Month
29612 Kellogg Avenue, Macon, MO 63552
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