Manorcare Health Services is a 118 unit nursing facility. It is located within the Rillito area of Tucson, Arizona. With a median per-family income of $84,796, the community is in a primarily upscale area. It has a dense population, with approximately 28,000 poeple living in the zip code of 85718. Located nearby are churches, retail shopping, healthcare facilities, and other local conveniences. They're located just 1.46 miles from Healthsouth Rehab Institute, there are numerous pharmacies within a mile of the community, and there are multiple churches within 4 miles, which include St Francis Foothills, Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, Unity of Tucson, and Faith Tabernacle United Church.
Manorcare Health Services offers the following types of care: assisted living, nursing home care, Alzheimer's care, and independent living. They can care for those who require help with common activities such as preparing food, hygiene, and house keeping, but who are mobile and are somewhat independent. Also, they can accommodate those who need a higher degree of assistance and full-time care from a nursing staff. Additionally they can offer care to those who are at early to late stages of Alzheimer's and who need close assistance and care for their security. Lastly, they can assist people who are in good health and active and desire to live in a fun environment with a few basic amenities such as house keeping and on-site maintenance.
The monthly average expense for Manorcare Health Services is estimated at $5,850. This is above the $4,894 estimated cost for the Tucson area. The cost for the State of Arizona is approximately $3,840, versus $4,215 nationally.
Manorcare Health Services has been open since 1988. They're presently certified with both Medicaid and Medicare. They received a cumulative score of 4 out of 5 stars in the latest Medicare ratings. This mark was based on a collective measure of all-around quality, health inspections, and staff reviews. During that period, they had 0 total penalties assessed, 0 payment denials, 5 deficiencies reported, 2 complaints filed, and 0 fines assessed.
(520) 299-7088