McPherson Health and Rehab is a 45 unit skilled nursing facility. It is located at 1601 N Main St in Mcpherson, Kansas. With a median per-family income of $54,060, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It has a medium-density population, with around 16,000 individuals residing in the 67460 zip code. It is surrounded by numerous local amenities, which include health care facilities, retail stores, and churches. There are 4 churches within four miles, including Churches United In Ministry, Churches United In Ministry, Crossroads Assembly of God, and Andover Lutheran Church. There are 4 pharmacies within a mile of the community. They're also located only 0.9 miles from Memorial Hospital.
McPherson Health and Rehab offers nursing home care. They can care for people who are primarily confined to their bed and need to be cared for by doctors and nurses on a regular basis.
McPherson Health and Rehab offers many different services and amenities. Facility amenities include a shared living room, a game and recreation room, a community dining hall, and a television and media area. Also offered are daily exercise routines and wellness and health programs, and other social activities. Additionally, they provide various room features that include maid service, on-site maintenance, and safety and handicap fixtures.
The average per month cost of care for McPherson Health and Rehab is estimated at $5,951. The Mcpherson average for the same level of care is about $5,125. The average estimated cost of care in the State of Kansas is around $4,800, which is lower than the nationwide average of $6,360.
McPherson Health and Rehab has served the community for 20 years. They are presently certified with both Medicaid and Medicare. They obtained a score of 1/5 stars in the most recent Medicare reporting, based upon a collective measure of staff reviews, overall quality, and safety inspections. During this period they had the following: 22 deficiencies recorded, 1 payment denial, 3 fines enforced totaling $27,631, 8 complaints made, and 4 total penalties enforced.
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(620) 241-5360