Memorial Healthcare is located at 826 W King St in Owosso, Michigan. It is a 150 bed nursing facility. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-household income of $40,743. It has a dense population, with approximately 29,000 poeple living in the zip code of 48867. It is located around retail stores, churches, medical services, and other local conveniences. They're located just 0.06 miles from Memorial Healthcare. There are 19 drugstores within a mile of the community. There are also 13 churches within four miles, including Cornerstone Church of God, First Church of God, Owosso Church of Christ, and 7Th Day Church of God.
Memorial Healthcare offers nursing home care. They are an excellent option for residents who are severely infirmed and require help with daily activities but also need to have regular access to health care services.
This community features a wide array of amenities and services. Recreational activities include wellness and health programs, religious and spiritual activities, education programs, arts and crafts , and daily exercise programs. Also offered are occupational therapy, wound care, speech therapy, nurses on staff, medication support, along with other health services. Additionally, they provide various property amenities that include a computer room and a book collection.
The approximate monthly expense for this facility is about $8,345. This is below the $9,064 average cost for the city of Owosso. The cost average for Michigan is about $7,230, versus $6,360 nationwide.
Memorial Healthcare has been serving the community for 31 years. They are currently licensed with both Medicaid and Medicare. They received 5 out of 5 stars in the most recent Medicare reporting. This result was based upon a combined criterion of staffing evaluations, overall quality, and health and safety audits. During the latest period, they had 3 deficiencies reported, no complaints reported, no total penalties imposed, no fines imposed, and no payment denials.
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(989) 723-5211