Moberly Nursing and Rehab is a 101 unit nursing facility. It is located at 700 East Urbandale Dr in Moberly, Missouri. The neighboring area has a medium-density population, with roughly 19,000 individuals residing in the zip code of 65270. With an average per-household income of $35,970, it is a generally middle income area. It is located near numerous local conveniences, which include healthcare facilities, retail stores, and churches. There are 3 pharmacies within one mile of the community. They're located just 2.15 miles from Moberly Regional Medical Center. There are also 3 churches within four miles, including Apostolic Pentecos Tal Church, Jefferson Avenue United Methodist, and Sturgeon Baptist Church.
Moberly Nursing and Rehab offers assisted living, nursing home care, and dementia care. They can care for individuals who require help with day-to-day chores but who also desire to maintain some degree of independence. They can also accommodate individuals who are primarily unable to move freely and need to be under the care of nurses around the clock. In addition, they can service individuals who are at early to late stages of Alzheimer's Disease and who need special monitoring and care for their own safety.
Moberly Nursing and Rehab offers numerous services and amenities for their residents. Personal services include local transportation, a 24-hour staff, and laundry service. Also offered are in-room cable television, safety and handicap fixtures, regular maid service, and other room features. Additionally, they offer multiple recreational activities including bingo, arts and crafts projects, religious and spiritual activities, and TV and movie nights.
The estimated average cost for Moberly Nursing and Rehab is about $4,327 monthly. The Moberly estimate for this level of care is about $4,317. The estimated average cost of care across Missouri is approximately $3,492, which is below the US estimate of $4,978.
Moberly Nursing and Rehab has been certified by Medicaid as well as Medicare for 29 years. In the most recent Medicare reporting, they received a score of 3 out of 5 stars based upon a combined measure of health and safety inquiries, overall quality, and personnel reviews. They had 2 complaints reported, no fines levied, 6 deficiencies reported, no payment denials, and no total penalties levied during the latest reporting year.
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(660) 263-9060