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by bill on SeniorAdvice.com 09/08/2018
To whom it may concern:My father was a tenant here for over 1.5 yrs. During this time nearly, everybody who worked and lived here loved him with the excepting of one lady who had/has dementia. I first want to say that nearly everyone who worked here a was awesome with one huge exception Jay Mikosch the directorThe incident that caused him to move here was that he fell and broke his back so the family located him to this excellent facility the residence. When he had surgery one of the things that gave him tremendous relief was the pool…The director Jay Mikosch made it his mission to make it difficult for my father…He had a conversation with me regarding this use of the pool. I got the impression that this man was looking for any excuse to kick us out of the place…Well he used this issue to get his wish…My father got along with every one with the exception of one woman. One day she attached him in the elevator. He pushed her away and she fell and broke her hip. For this he was kicked out of the place.Jay told me that he made the a very personal issue and gave us 7 days to get out…He was completely unreasonable…In fact when we relocated by father they made it difficult to get the medications. My father turned in the keys to an aid but Jay refused to give us the meds until we turned in keys The whole experience was horrible Jay just simply did the wrong thing. He made it personal. I had to hire an attorney just to stand up for my father's rights. They tried to remove him without any legal process. The whole process was handled poorly and unprofessionally Jay even disparaged my father to another facility. I want to complain about the rights that these residents have as the women should have not been in the facility Does my father have a right to NOT be attacked? How should he been handled? What should he have done? Shouldn't he have had some protection? My complaint is simply this…This guy was extremely unprofession