Nearby Churches
- Christian Church of Glasco - 0.1 Miles Away
- Baptist Church - 14.72 Miles Away
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Nursing Care | $5,059* (click below for pricing info) |
Adult Daycare | $1,540* (click below for pricing info) |
* All cost estimates are based on general costs for providers in this local area. Please confirm pricing with each provider directly before making a decision.
We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by MichellT on 05/01/2020
The staff, nurses, director and administrator go out of their way to make sure resident's needs are met. My mother has been there for one year, and previously lived in a nearby facility. Nicol Home has made her quality of life 100 times better and we feel so much better she is there. They have 'drive in' movies, activity times, painting, bingo, and often have kids and animals visit. They have an enclosed patio where residents can get some sun and listen to the birds. All around a fun place!
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Medicare Staff Rating (All Staff): | |
Medicare RN/Nurses Rating: |
Nicol Home is located at 303 E Buffalo St in Glasco, Kansas. It is a 28 bed senior housing community. The neighboring area has a sparse population, with about 2,000 residents in the zip code of 67445. It is a primarily middle income area, with an average household income of $38,206. Located nearby are medical services, retail shopping, houses of worship, and other local conveniences. There are 2 churches within 4 miles, which include Christian Church of Glasco and Baptist Church.
Nicol Home offers nursing home care. The community is an excellent option for individuals who are primarily confined to their bed and who need to be cared for by doctors and nurses around the clock.
Nicol Home features many different services and amenities. Medical services include nurses on staff, speech therapy, foot care services, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Also offered are live entertainment and bingo, along with other recreational activities. Additionally, they provide various facility amenities including a hair salon and a community dining room.
Estimated monthly costs for Nicol Home are around $3,300. This is lower than the $3,343 estimated cost in the Glasco area. The cost average for Kansas is around $3,450, versus $4,155 nationwide.
Nicol Home has been serving Glasco for 15 years. They are presently certified with both Medicare and Medicaid. In the most recent data published by Medicare, they received a cumulative score of 2 out of 5 stars based on a collective measure of all-around quality, safety reviews, and staff ratings. They had no payment denials, 1 complaint made, 9 deficiencies recorded, 1 fine levied for $8,000, and 1 total penalty levied within that period.
(785) 568-2251
What is the cost of care at Nicol Home?
Estimated monthly costs for Nicol Home are around $3,300. This is lower than the $3,343 estimated cost in the Glasco area. The cost average for Kansas is around $3,450, versus $4,155 nationwide.
How did Medicare rate Nicol Home?
Medicare gave Nicol Home an average rating of 3/5 stars in the latest survey.
What types of payment does Nicol Home accept?
According to our records, Nicol Home accepts va benefits.
6 Reviews
Estimated Cost: $3,865 / Month
1110 W 11th, Concordia, KS 66901
6 Reviews
Estimated Cost: $3,028 / Month
620 2nd Ave, Concordia, KS 66901
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Estimated Cost: $3,121 / Month
114 S High St, Clyde, KS 66938
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