We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by NorthAuburnRehabCenterSucks on SeniorAdvice.com 07/17/2019
Working with this company has been the least pleasurable experience that I have ever had. They have continued to take money from our pockets and give us nothing in exchange. We gave them tens of thousands of dollars in work and time to help them with their projects and now they refuse to pay their balance for the work we've done. They have taken money from my employee's mouths and peoples jobs have been put on the line because of their selfish actions. The best possible thing I can say about this company is that it is a great example of how not to run a business. They are poisoning the well by hurting small businesses and cheating the system. Whatever you do, DO NOT SEND YOU LOVED ONES TO THIS REHAB CENTER.
by Mom’s daughter on SeniorAdvice.com 03/10/2019
Mom's positive, good stay at N Auburn was Jan 2019 after one month at another place, so I am able to make comparisons. I stayed with her about 6 hours a day at both locations. N Auburn has good medical care. At the other place no doctor came to see her. Ever. N Auburn had several different doctors with different specialities make room calls often.I know food quality seems minor in the scheme of things, but food quality is a big deal when a person has to eat what they’re “dealt”. Food quality here is very good. Lots of fresh salad, fruit, and choices. Rooms are large because they were originally designed for 3 residents per room but now house 2 per room. The facility is older but well maintained. Staff is wonderful!Highly recommend.
Ratings and Reviews from Around the Web
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