Nearby Churches
- Saron Lutheran Church - 0.43 Miles Away
- High Plains Christian Center - 0.6 Miles Away
- Bennett Baptist Church & School - 5.28 Miles Away
- Bennett Presbyterian Church - 5.47 Miles Away
- Bennett Baptist Church - 5.63 Miles Away
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56175 Sunset Ave, Strasburg, CO 80136
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There are currently no reviews for Prairie Creeks Living Center and The Residence of Prairie Creeks.
Assisted Living | $4,857* (click below for pricing info) |
Independent Living | $2,672* (click below for pricing info) |
* All cost estimates are based on general costs for providers in this local area. Please confirm pricing with each provider directly before making a decision.
Prairie Creeks Living Center and The Rersidence of Prarie Creeks is a senior care facility located at 56175 Sunset Ave in Strasburg, Colorado. The surrounding area has a sparse population, with about 6,000 individuals living in the zip code of 80136. It is a largely middle class area, with a median per-household income of $69,417. Located nearby are health care facilities, retail shopping, houses of worship, and other local amenities. There are 6 churches within 4 miles, including Saron Lutheran Church, High Plains Christian Center, Bennett Baptist Church & School, and Bennett Presbyterian Church.
Prairie Creeks Living Center and The Rersidence of Prarie Creeks offers independent living and assisted living. They are a good fit for seniors who are healthy and independent but who want to live among other seniors and enjoy amenities like house keeping and on-site maintenance in a social environment. Also, they can accommodate seniors who require assistance with routine chores such as meal preparation, bathing, and housekeeping, but who are still mobile and are somewhat independent.
This provider features many services and amenities to residents. Personal services include laundry cleaning and a staff available 24/7. Also offered are safety and handicap fixtures, regular maid service, an emergency call system, and other room features. Additionally, they offer various facility amenities that include a laundry room, a common living room, and a game and recreation room.
Estimated costs-per-month for this provider are about $3,765. This is greater than the $3,294 average cost in the city of Strasburg. While the national estimated cost is around $2,713, Colorado is around $2,568 per month.
(303) 622-6262
Estimated Cost: $4,111 / Month
1139 Tucson St, Aurora, CO 80011
3 Reviews
Estimated Cost: $4,755 / Month
7425 Xavier St, Westminster, CO 80030
Estimated Cost: $5,042 / Month
2461 W 82nd Pl Unit 110, Westminster, CO 80031
Estimated Cost: $5,490 / Month
2800 Columbine Rd, Denver, CO 80221
7 Reviews
Estimated Cost: $4,748 / Month
451 Malley Dr, Denver, CO 80233
1 Review
Estimated Cost: $6,476 / Month
2195 E Egbert St, Brighton, CO 80601
1 Review
Estimated Cost: $5,100 / Month
2215 E Egbert St, Brighton, CO 80601
13 Reviews
Estimated Cost: $4,984 / Month
2501 E 104th Ave, Thornton, CO 80233
8 Reviews
Estimated Cost: $6,743 / Month
7751 Zenobia Court, Westminster, CO 80030
9 Reviews
Estimated Cost: $6,464 / Month
7481 Knox Pl, Westminster, CO 80030
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