Presbyterian Homes and Service is a 2147483647 unit senior care community situated in Andover, Minnesota. The neighboring area has a dense population, with roughly 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of 55304. With an average per-family income of $88,279, it is a predominantly upscale area. Located nearby are retail stores, churches, healthcare services, and other local conveniences. There are numerous churches within four miles, including Constance Evangelical Free Church, Prairie Oak Community Church, Andover Christian Church, and Way of the Cross Church. There are many drugstores within one mile of the facility. They're also located only 4.4 miles from Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center.
Presbyterian Homes and Service offers the following types of care: assisted living, dementia care, and nursing home care. They can provide care for residents who need assistance with daily tasks but who also wish to maintain their independence to some degree. Also, they can provide for residents at any level of dementia or Alzheimer's who need assistance with daily tasks and monitoring to avoid wandering. In addition, they can offer care to residents who are seriously infirmed and need assistance with day-to-day activities but also must have regular access to healthcare services.
Presbyterian Homes and Service offers a wide array of amenities and services for residents. Medical services include wound care, help with medication, psychiatry services, nurses on staff, and help with personal care. Also offered are a staff available 24/7 and local transportation, and other personal services.
Estimated costs-per-month for this provider are about $6,861. This is higher than the Andover estimate of $5,775. The cost for Minnesota is approximately $5,059, versus $4,978 nationwide.
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(763) 712-7000