We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by Ddhugh83 on SeniorAdvice.com 06/17/2020
There is always some form of management at this facility. As any other healthcare facility there is a lake of staff, that is true. But needs still get taken care of. Patients always get taken to there app unedited they family is willing to do so.
by ocelot93 on SeniorAdvice.com 03/29/2020
I would not even leave one star if that were an option. It took these people less than two weeks to kill my father. Lost hearing aids the first day, then lost glasses shortly after. Medical wishes / preferences were not adhered to. Any doctor visits were absent. Short staffed oftentimes without management on premises. Not willing to transport to doctor visits even though this was used as a "selling point." No good.