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by Rhonda on SeniorAdvice.com 05/11/2021
I have a friend who is staying at this facility. Not all, but most of the staff are extremely rude to their residents. I wouldn’t wish this place on my worst enemy. They give you three meals a day, if you want to call them that. A couple of weeks ago they gave them chicken breasts and were forced to eat their meal with a spoon. You have to drink water only except for breakfast. For breakfast you get one cup of coffee, but if you put your cup in the wrong place then you don’t get coffee for a week. This has happened to my friend who is staying there. She was also reprimanded for being in her room instead of in the TV room. She was having a lot of back pain and just needed to lie down. She is in a wheelchair and if anyone offers her assistance to get from one place to another they are reprimanded and she is forced to scoot along by herself which sometimes can take her up to 45 minutes just to get from her room to the eating area. The TV in her room does not work even though it was supposed to be repaired and she requires safety bars to get around and has fallen twice in the bathroom because they haven’t done their jobs and supplied her with the proper safety bars and she has been there for over a month. Please don’t send your loved one to the Rose of Sharon for any reason. They will not take proper care of your loved one. I can promise you that. Thank you, Rhonda Womack
by Quanacruz on SeniorAdvice.com 01/28/2020
That place needs to be shutdown it’s infested with bedbugs all over bathing the people in molded tubs there’s bugs crawling all over these poor people someone help them
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