Sandwich Rehabilitation and Health Care Center is located at 902 East Arnold St in Sandwich, Illinois. It is a 63 unit nursing home facility. With an average per-family income of $38,060, the facility is in a largely middle income area. It has a medium-density population, with about 13,000 poeple living in the zip code of 60548. It is surrounded by retail stores, churches, medical services, and other local conveniences. There are 15 drugstores within one mile of the facility. They are located only 0.57 miles from Valley West Community Hospital. There are also a large number of churches within 4 miles, including St Paul's Catholic Chrch, Salem Lutheran Church, Cornerstone Church, and United Church of Sandwich.
Sandwich Rehabilitation and Health Care Center offers the following types of care: assisted living, nursing home care, and independent living. They are a good fit for seniors who require assistance with routine activities but who also desire to preserve some level of independence. They can also provide for seniors who are primarily confined to their bed and need to be under the care of doctors and nurses on a regular basis. Additionally they can house seniors who are in good health and independent but who desire to live around other senior citizens and enjoy services like housekeeping and on-site maintenance in a social environment.
This facility features a wide array of services and amenities. Personal services include a 24-hour staff and local transportation. Also offered are help with medication, physical therapy, nurses on site, occupational therapy, speech therapy, along with other health services.
The approximate monthly average expense for Sandwich Rehabilitation and Health Care Center is about $5,999. The Sandwich estimate for the same level of care is about $5,089. The average cost across the State of Illinois is around $3,666, which is less than the national average of $3,928.
Sandwich Rehabilitation and Health Care Center has been operating for 10 years. They're presently certified with Medicaid and Medicare. They received 1 / 5 stars in the most recent rating by Medicare. This mark is based upon a combined measure of all-around quality, personnel reviews, and safety inquiries. Within this period they have had the following: 9 complaints filed, 13 deficiencies recorded, no total penalties imposed, no payment denials, and no fines imposed.
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(815) 786-8409