We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by Lenny on SeniorAdvice.com 05/17/2020
St Francis village It’s a beautiful place to live. Everyone is so friendly and help one another. It is so peaceful, We have Wild Turkeys and deer. As soon as you come through the front gate you can feel the peace And tranquility. It’s a little piece of heaven on earth.
by VickyU on SeniorAdvice.com 12/28/2019
I have lived here since April 2019! Was on the list for a few years and it was worth the wait! Peace & Serenity abound! Love the deer and turkeys! I love that going to Services at the Chapel is just a short walk down my street!
by Happy Daughter on SeniorAdvice.com 11/27/2019
Saint Francis is a really good community. My mother is living there and loves it. All the care takers are really well trained and seem like they appreciate the residents. Every time I go she is in good spirits and I am treated well too. Very happy with this place.