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Assisted Living | $3,798* (click below for pricing info) |
* All cost estimates are based on general costs for providers in this local area. Please confirm pricing with each provider directly before making a decision.
Located at 323 7th St, The Bee Hive - Hugo is a senior housing facility in Hugo, Colorado. With an average per-family income of $37,317, the facility is in a primarily middle income area. It is sparsely populated, with approximately 2,000 people residing in the zip code of 80821. Located nearby are houses of worship, retail stores, health care services, and other local conveniences. There are 2 churches within four miles, including Life in Christ Church. They're also located only 0.23 miles from Lincoln Community Hospital.
The Bee Hive - Hugo offers assisted living. The community is a good choice for older people who are able to move around on their own but require some assistance with completing daily tasks like personal hygiene, preparing food, and house cleaning.
This community features numerous amenities and services for their residents. Facility features include a laundry room, a TV and media area, a community dining hall, a public living room, and manicured grounds. Also offered are educational programs, daily exercise programs, health and wellness programs, religious and spiritual activities, off-site outings, along with other recreational activities. Additionally, they offer multiple health services that include nurses on staff, hearing care, help with medication, assistance with personal care, and occupational therapy.
The monthly average cost of care for The Bee Hive - Hugo is approximately $3,798. This is greater than the Hugo average cost of $3,330. The average estimated expense in Colorado is around $3,313, which is below the national estimate of $3,500.
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(719) 743-2777
Estimated Cost: $3,170 / Month
1750 Circle Ln, Limon, CO 80828
Estimated Cost: $2,504 / Month
1700 Circle Ln, Limon, CO 80828
Estimated Cost: $2,504 / Month
2050 6th St, Limon, CO 80828
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