We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by rush on SeniorAdvice.com 01/23/2020
My husband went here, thinking it's close to the ortho and run by U of R. Should be top notch. Not so much. While some staff were caring and did their job, several were not. Putting things out of reach to a non-mobile person, causing pain while moving him, ignoring calls for help, leaving him sitting in a wheelchair too long. Rehab staff worked to improve things some, but mobility/pain balance was never really resolved. The so called Dr. who heads it up, showed up only after the ortho dr. commented on what needed to be done. SW did try to be helpful and improve the situation. Overall, disappointing.
Ratings and Reviews from Around the Web
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Overall Medicare Rating: | |
Medicare Health Rating: | |
Medicare Quality Rating: | |
Medicare Staff Rating (All Staff): | |
Medicare RN/Nurses Rating: | |