Watkins-Logan Veterans Home - Tyler is a 95 room senior care community. It is located at 11466 Honor Ln in Tyler, Texas. The surrounding area has an average population density, with about 8,000 people residing in the zip code of 75708. With a median per-household income of $42,131, it is a mostly middle income area. It is located near retail stores, houses of worship, healthcare services, and other local conveniences. They are located only 0.52 miles from University Of Texas Health Science Center At Tyler, there are numerous pharmacies within a mile of the community, and there are a number of churches within 4 miles, including Pine Springs Baptist Church, Emmanuel Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Winona, and New Zion Baptist Church.
Watkins-Logan Veterans Home - Tyler offers nursing home care. They can provide care for people who need a higher level of attention and regular medical care.
This provider offers a wide array of services and amenities to their residents. Health services include physical therapy, vision care, occupational therapy, hearing care, and psychiatry services. Also offered are daily exercise programs, TV and movie nights, health and wellness programs, yoga, educational programs, along with other social activities. Additionally, they provide various room amenities that include on-call maintenance and safety and disabled fixtures.
The average per month cost of care for Watkins-Logan Veterans Home - Tyler is estimated to be $5,288. This is below the $5,399 average cost for Tyler. While the nationwide average cost is approximately $6,360, the State of Texas is around $4,170 each month.
Watkins-Logan Veterans Home - Tyler has been operating for 7 years and they're registered with Medicare and Medicaid. They received a total score of 2 out of 5 stars in the most recent rating by Medicare, based upon a collective criterion of overall quality, health and safety audits, and personnel evaluations. Within this period, they had no total penalties applied, 1 complaint made, 13 deficiencies recorded, no fines applied, and no payment denials.
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(903) 617-6150